Delivery Automated System

Delivery Automation System As businesses are growing rapidly, Delivery services are getting popular among businesses and companies are moving towards Delivery Automation Systems. With the efficient and user-friendly Delivery Automation System, businesses can now provide their services to a large number of clients. With the combination of native mobile apps for both android and iOS,[…]

Account Management System

Mdeux Solutions offers unique accounting solutions for your growing business. You can gain a competitive edge with a unique, modified version of our ERP (Enterprise resource planning) software. By tailor customizing solutions for our clients’ needs, we provide a uniquely personal approach to accounting and finance. We help small and midsize businesses develop organization and[…]

Industrial Solutions

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School Management System

A School Management System (SMS) is the primary system for efficiently operating schools, and includes applications like: Registration Enrollment Attendance Scheduling Grade book and exams SMS are centralized systems used by educators and administrators to collect information needed to manage education delivery, improve student achievement, and ensure accountability. These improved information management systems are now[…]

Pharmaceutical Solutions

We offer software solutions for health care employees, pharmaceutical companies, regulatory affairs institutions, and research agencies from the pharmaceutical industry. Our specialty is custom software development, as well as shelf products for market research in the pharmaceutical industry and medicine. Let us show you more in person or during a conference call.

SMS Portal Software

Track, Receive, & Send SMS Online Messages Worldwide Business messaging made easy. Send thousands of text messages anywhere in the world with the ClickSend Web to SMS service. No SMS software downloads required; sign up and be sending from dashboard or API within minutes. Access all of these features on the Click Send Business SMS[…]

Restaurant Management System

Demo Link For RMS:  Link: Username: admin Password: abc123 A Restaurant management system (RMS) is a computer or web based system that facilitates managing the functioning of the restaurant.This system or software will help in making the whole functioning paperless. It integrates all the information regarding customers, orders , waiters and administrative details etc.[…]

Point of Sale

Point Of Sale

Easily manage and scale your business with retail point of sale systems from MdeuxSolutions. Sell more, save more, make more. From one store to many .Access everything, anytime, anywhere in the cloud. Demo Link For POS: Link: http//: Username: Password: Qds@123** A point of sale (POS) is the place where sales are made. On a macro level,[…]